Using Java 1.8 and JUnit 1.5, I created a sudoku solver which reads valid and invalid files from my maven based project’s resources directory. The issue is that when I run the JUnit test within Intellij IDEA Ultimate Edition, the unit tests run and everything works! But, when I run from the command line using the following commands mvn clean
Tag: junit
Synchronous publish for rabbitmq
I want to have two sets API for the clients to publish messages sync send(no retry, fail immediately and send status back to the clients synchronously) async send (publisher and confirm callback, with retry, log and drop the message after certain retries). I am able to implement this by enabling confirm and return. Is there any way to implement Synchronous
JUnit-Testing Custom Validation Annotations Java
Hei, I currently working on custom annotations for bean validation. To ensure the implemented validation logic is working as intended, i would like to implement unit-tests for these annotations. Sadly I am struggeling to find relevant guides/tutorials on Google. The most obvious solution is to create some class, stick the annotation on it and use the validatorFactory to start the
java.lang.NullPointerException at io.dropwizard.testing.junit5.DropwizardExtensionsSupport.beforeEach
I am trying to test a Dropwizard resource. My test looks like this: However, this gives the error message: which is frankly uninformative. Can someone point out what is wrong here? P/S Here is the CommonObjects constructor: which also explains why I am creating the resource extension before each test case. Answer In the end, instead of using mocks, I
How to mock static method calls from multiple classes in a single try block using Mockito?
I want to mock static methods from two different classes. Right now, my code is like this: I want to mock another static method call from Context.class. Is there a way to define a MockedStatic object of context in the same try block, without using a nested try block. Without using try block I think we can use something like
How do I write a JUnit test for a custom SWT-Column-Ratio-Layout?
I found a custom SWT-Column-Ratio Layout on the internet which puts the children of a composite/control into a user-defined ratio. Unfortunately I cannot find the source of the implementation of the Column-Ratio Layout, but here’s how the code looks like: I want to test this layout. I am writing a JUnit test to test if the ratio is true when
RedisTemplate mock is only working in the test class
Class B Now when I am writing the test for method in class B i.e. someMethod(). I have observed that the redis template mock is generating in test class but not in Class A and class B Inside ClassBTest Inside class B Why is the mock not working in class B and A ? Answer My issue is resolved now.
How to return a mock response object from HTTP request?
I’m new to Java programming and I have the following snippet on which I want to write unit test: I’m able to create the scenario where HTTP request returns a valid response using the below code: I want to create another scenario where the method call response.readEntity(type) throws an exception. For this, I require that request.get() method returns me a
Spring Boot controller test loading entire application context
Spring Boot here. I currently have the following REST controller: I would like to write an integration test for it that: Mocks or stubs an HTTP request to the URL; and Allows me to inject the FizzbuzzController (under test) with a mocked FizzbuzzService or the real thing; and Allows me to inspect the HTTP response coming back from the method
Getting NPE on ControllerTest using SpringBoot WebFluxTest and JUnit4
I’ve this project structure: And I am trying to test a dummy method on the Controller. The funcionality is very simple. You send a String by POST and is returned with a + “123” And the controller test class: Then, when I test the exepectSatus().isOk() the test is passed: But if I add the rest of funcionality