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Tag: java

Using NFC to open my application causes a separate version of it to be opened instead of the one that was open when RFID was found

I am attempting to create an application centered around NFC paired with multiple RFIDs. For this reason I am programming the RFIDs with NDefRecords that open a specific activity in my application. The NdefMessage doing this is as follows And my manifest for the activity I am opening uses the following intent filter: The code that is writing to the

BottomSheetDialogFragment behaviour disorder when added nested fragment in Android

I’ve a BottomSheetDialogFragment inside a RecyclerView, when is clicked a button BottomSheet is showing. BottomSheetDialog expanding when scrolling down and collapsing when scroll finished on top normally. But when I place the RecyclerView inside a fragment and lay the fragment to BottomSheetDialog; BottomSheet behaviours not working on the fragment, only works RecyclerView scrolling. On the other hand the behaviours work

how to implement ByteArrayOutputStream?

I need help with implementing an byteArrayOutputStream that stores the output from the server, which I can then read from and print. Does anyone know how to do this? Any help would be much appreciated. TCPAsk: Edit: my code is now working and it is similar to the answer (TCPClient) given below with some minor additions. ByteArrayOutputStream is not needed.

Stream API how to modify key and value in a map?

I have a String – Array map that looks like this What I need to do is Create a new map, where key – only numbers extracted from String like this ( key -> key.replaceAll(“\D+”,””); Value – first value from array like this value -> value[0]; Filter an array so that only this paris left where value > 0 I’ve

Can another thread see an effectively immutable object in an inconsistent state if it is published with a volatile reference?

According to Java Concurrency in Action if we have the following class: and we initialise an instance of this class and publish it in a non-safe way (through a simple public field for example), then the assertCorrectness() might indeed throw an AssertionError, if called from another thread. In other words, this means that some another thread might see an up-to-date

Alternative to using deprecated save method in hibernate

I am using the following code to save a person object into the database: I see that the save method is deprecated. What’s the alternative approach that we are supposed to use? Answer save() is deprecated since Hibernate 6.0. The javadoc suggests to use persist() instead. Deprecated. use persist(Object) Small print: save() and persist() are similar, but still different. save()

Invalid property ‘projection’ of bean class

Hi I need a little help with my code. I tried solutions online but I couldn’t fix my bug. I working in java and spring with mysql and tymeleaf. My error is short: Invalid property ‘projection’ of bean class [com.bakulic.CinemaTicketShop.model.dto.requests.CreateOrUpdateProjectionDTO]: Bean property ‘projection’ is not readable or has an invalid getter method: Does the return type of the getter match
