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Tag: outputstream

how to implement ByteArrayOutputStream?

I need help with implementing an byteArrayOutputStream that stores the output from the server, which I can then read from and print. Does anyone know how to do this? Any help would be much appreciated. TCPAsk: Edit: my code is now working and it is similar to the answer (TCPClient) given below with some minor additions. ByteArrayOutputStream is not needed.

Proper way to close an AutoCloseable

What is the most reliable pattern to follow when closing an OutputStream, ServerSocket, or other object that implements the AutoCloseable interface? Should I use try-catch-finally? Or a shutdown hook. Answer The correct way to use an AutoCloseable instance is with a try-with-resources block, so the resource is reliably closed even if an exception is thrown. Like this: You can also

writing to OutputStream having capacity restriction

Following the question I asked before: I am implementing an ByteArrayOutputStream having capacity restriction. My main limitation is an amount of available memory. So having such stream os: When I write more than say 1MB to the output stream I need to “stop”. I prefer not throw exception but write the complete contents of os output stream to the specified

Write a binary downloaded file to disk in Java

I have a software that allow to write add-on in javascript files (.js) that allow to use Java function (I don’t know if this is common, I never saw java call in javascript file before) I need to download a binary file from a webserver and write it to the hard drive. I tried the following code: The resulting file

Is there a Null OutputStream in Java?

I need to specify an OutputStream for an API I’m using, but I don’t actually have a need for the output. Does Java have an OutputStream equivalent to > /dev/null? Answer Since Java 11, there is a static utility that does exactly what you need, a static factory method OutputStream.nullOutputStream(): Returns a new OutputStream which discards all bytes. The returned
