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Tag: java-8

Apache Camel Java 8 Support

In this blog it has been written that Apache Camel will drop the Java 8 support in the mid 3.x versions: Java 8 will still be supported for the first number of 3.x releases but is expected to be dropped later in 2020 How can I know precisely from with version the Java 8 support has been dropped? If I’m

Divide a list into fixed number of list in java

I am trying to figure out an efficient way to divide a list into a fixed number of list Example 1 Input – [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] Number of lists – 4 Output- [1,2], [3,4], [5,6],[7,8] Example 2 Input – [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] Number of lists – 4 Output- [1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8],[9,10] Not necessarily the order of elements should be fixed I tried few examples

Get the last element of each entry in a LinkedHashMap?

I have a map and I want to extract the last value for each key from that map, but I can’t get it: Extract: i.e. the last NUM entries for each key Answer You can use reduce to extract the last value from Map<String,String> and then collect them using toMap into LinkedHashMap to save the insertion order But as a

How to print List of String array array using lambda in Java [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question This is my code: How to print the List that contains String array
