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Tag: jackson

Jackson encode all properties to base64

I have more than one class that I want to serialize using Jackson to generate Json, for example I need to encode all value of the json to base64, so I configure the object mapper like this The problem is it’s only encode the String type as the serializer only accept one type, is there any method to encode all

Serializing a double property as string

Which @JsonXyz annotation do I have to use when I have a bean to be jsonified but serializing a double proeprty as string. An example: I have a bean: And I wan tto have a JSON like: instead of: So, the value 100.0 shall be in quotes. Answer If you are using Jackson you can use @JsonSerialize and ToStringSerializer :

org.springframework.web.reactive.function.UnsupportedMediaTypeException: Content type ‘text/xml;charset=UTF-8’ not supported for bodyType

using Java 11, SpringBoot 2, WebFlux, WebClient and Jackson trying to use Spring WebClient to consume a Web service endpoint that returns XML, content type: ‘text/xml;charset=UTF-8’ Jackson XML dependency in the project’s pom.xml: WebClient code that triggers a request to external API and builds the response: ServiceResponse class (a simple POJO): resulting error: org.springframework.web.reactive.function.UnsupportedMediaTypeException: Content type ‘text/xml;charset=UTF-8’ not supported for

Getting null values while mapping a JSON to POJO

I am trying to map a JSON to POJO using Jackson. However, as this JSON contains a nested map of objects, when i de-serialize it to the POJO, the timeseries information is not converted to the POJO. I am only able to get the metadata part and the date part in the timeseries block. The other fields in the timeseries
