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Tag: jackson

Lombok builder pattern with jackson JsonProperty

I have constructed a Java Object using lombok with builder pattern. But, I am getting the following exception when trying to deserialize a Java object using Jackson. This occurs for fields which has @JsonProperty annotation. Exception in thread “main” com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field “user_name” (class User$UserBuilder), not marked as ignorable (2 known properties: “userName”, “userId”]) at [Source: (String)”{“userId”:1,”user_name”:”username”}”; line: 1, column:

Jackson polymorphic serialization generates an incorrect class name

When I use Jackson polymorphic serialization, it generates a JSON object with an incorrect fully qualified class name. The code below serializes an XMLGregorianCalendar. The output is: I expected the following: Why does it output java.util.GregorianCalendar? Or more importantly: How do I fix this? Code example: Answer To get the expected behavior I have implemented a custom XMLGregorianCalendar serializer. This

Custom Jackson Deserialization of a Generic Abstract class

I am having issues when trying to deserializing the following class: My generic abstract class: I have two concrete classes which implement MetricValueDto: IntMetricValueDto: FloatMetricValueDto: Any idea of what’s the correct strategy to deserialize MetricValueDto so I can parse it through ObjectMapper or an RestTemplate? Whenever I run: I get Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Can not construct instance of com.resson.dto.MetricValueDto: abstract

Jackson error “Illegal character… only regular white space allowed” when parsing JSON

I am trying to retrieve JSON data from a URL but get the following error: My code: The url constructed is i.e What is going wrong here? And how can I parse this data successfully? Imports: example response Answer The message should be pretty self-explanatory: There is an illegal character (in this case character code 31, i.e. the control

Jackson adds backslash in json

I’m building REST service on Jersey and using Jackson to produce JSON from java classes of my model. Model with absolutely simple values, I think this is the most typical case. But I get strange result: My expecting result: My source values of fields does NOT contains any special characters. These are simple words. There’re my Java classes. Entity: Class

Java: FasterXML / jackson deserialize array without keys

Is there a way how to deserialize JSON array into following Java class using FasterXML jackson-databind? I only found answers where there are key: value items in the array. Answer Firstly {[“a”, “b”, 1]} is not a Valid Json Array (or JSON) …. JSON Array would look like this [“a”, “b”, 1] Also you could deserialize the Json Array into

Jackson is ignoring in my spring boot application

Jackson is ignoring I am using springBootVersion 1.4.2.RELEASE. In my file, I have added But Jackson is not honoring this property, and my REST response is still camelCase. Interestingly, this annotation works just fine @JsonNaming(PropertyNamingStrategy.SnakeCaseStrategy.class) With this annotation, I am getting snake_case response. But I don’t want to annotate each response class, it’s a bit annoying. Edit

Jackson , java.time , ISO 8601 , serialize without milliseconds

I’m using Jackson 2.8 and need to communicate with an API that doesn’t allow milliseconds within ISO 8601 timestamps. The expected format is this: “2016-12-24T00:00:00Z” I’m using Jackson’s JavaTimeModule with WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS set to false. But this will print milliseconds. So I tried to use objectMapper.setDateFormat which didn’t change anything. My current workaround is this: I’m overriding the default serializer for
