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Tag: jackson

RESTEASY003145: Unable to find a MessageBodyReader of content-type application/json and type class org.keycloak.representations.AccessTokenResponse

I’m trying to test Keycloak REST API. Instaled the version 2.1.0.Final. I can access the admin through browser with SSL without problems. I’m using the code above: And got the error: I added the dependencies above, but do not solve my problem: Any clues? Answer I solved !! You must add org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.jackson.ResteasyJacksonProvider into META-INF/services/ file then run your executable jar.

How do I stop jackson’s YAML writer from quoting values

I’m working on a project to convert files from JSON to YAML. I’m using the 2.8.3 versions of the following libraries: jackson-core jackson-databind jackson-dataformat-yaml jackson-annotations My YAML serialization code is extremely simple: The YAML produced by this code looks like the following: Although it is valid YAML, I don’t like the double quotes around the values. You don’t need them

What is the difference between ObjectNode and JsonNode in Jackson?

According to the documetation of JsonNode: Most mutators, however, need to be accessed through specific sub-classes (such as ObjectNode and ArrayNode). However I am still confused since some stackoverflow answers seem to use them quite interchangeably. What different purpose do they serve? Answer JsonNode is a base class that ObjectNode and ArrayNode extend. JsonNode represents any valid Json structure whereas

Jackson Serialize Field to Different Name

I have this JSON to deserialize: I want to serialize it to 2 different formats: [A] [B] I’m able to serialize it to 1 format: [A] only or [B] only. Here’s my code to serialize it to [B]: I read about JsonView here (section ‘5. Customize JSON Views’) but it only changes its value. I want to change field

How to serialize nested ObjectId to String with Jackson?

There are many questions concerning conversion from ObjectId to String with jackson. All answers suggest either creating own JsonSerializer<ObjectId> or annotating the ObjectId field with @JsonSerialize(using = ToStringSerializer.class). However, I have a map that sometimes contains ObjectIds, i.e.: I want jackson to convert it to: But I get: I have registered the conversion (in Spring) with And the first-level ObjectIds

Using spring converter in @RequestBody

Is it possible to enforce Converter ( org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter) to finish json object mapping? Json code example: where somename – string, id – integer value mapping to : Converter code example: What I want to achieve is to map that json to the object which will have automatically fetched from db nested object. Answer You should implement your own JacksonCustomMapper, by

UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field not marked as ignorable at Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream@14ec141

I am making rest web-services my code is: but when i call it with this Json : I’m getting following Exception: javax.servlet.ServletException: Unrecognized field “userId” (Class com.tazligen.model.GroupMemberMap), not marked as ignorable at [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream@14ec141; line: 2, column: 15] (through reference chain: com.tazligen.model.GroupMemberMap[“userId”]) My GrouMemberMap model class is : I have tried another method just like this : with json

Jackson – Custom TypeId Resolver

I’ve been using a custom typeId resolver for one of my classes, so far I’ve been leaning on the annotation support: But now I need to customize the creation of the type resolver by passing some other dependencies to it via constructor or setters, and since Jackson is the one who instantiate it I can’t find a way around it.
