I recently changed my Bitbucket password for security reasons. However, IntelliJ didn’t update my repository to the new credentials, so it stops me from pulling/pushing anything to my repository. I am not using any plugins for this, just the integrated VCS operations inside the IDE. Every time I pull/push, this pops out: fatal: Authentication failed for ‘https://momothereal:xxxxxxxxxxxx@bitbucket.org/team/repo.git/ Where xxxxxxxxxxxx is
Tag: intellij-idea
JetBrains IntelliJ Error launching Intellij Platform – Error invoking main method
I have IntelliJ IDEA and other JetBrains products installed and they worked great (PyCharm, Android Studio, Clion, WebStorm) till today, now I just get opening message: Error launching Intellij Platform – Error invoking main method I have installed: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_25 C:Program FilesJavajre1.8.0_25 and JAVA_HOME is pointing to jdk. I posted at: https://devnet.jetbrains.com/message/5533036#5533036 and https://devnet.jetbrains.com/thread/459951 I installed (clean) Windows 8.1 and
String vs StringBuffer. Tip of IDEA
Intellij Idea offers to replace the following: To: As far as I know it’s less effective (mutable/immutable). So, what’s better? Answer The second one compiles to the same byte-code as the first one, except it uses a non-synchronized StringBuilder instead of a synchronized StringBuffer. So it’s not only much more readable, but also slightly faster. I’d choose the second one.
intellij incorrectly saying no beans of type found for autowired repository
I have created a simple unit test but IntelliJ is incorrectly highlighting it red. marking it as an error No beans? As you can see below it passes the test? So it must be Autowired? Answer I had this same issue when creating a Spring Boot application using their @SpringBootApplication annotation. This annotation represents @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration and @ComponentScan according to
IntelliJ Idea IDE using port 1099
I’m using IntelliJ Idea Community Edition IDE and I’m trying to run a Maven WebApp with Jetty by command line. I’m on a RedHat box I run this command: And I get this error: The funny thing is that when I close IntelliJ Idea, the 1099 port is released. I can’t find the reason why and how Idea is using
Java project with Gradle in IntelliJ IDEA: cannot resolve symbol ‘google’ but project compiles
I have a toy Java project set up with Gradle in IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.2. It compiles and runs fine, but the IDE highlights ‘google’ in as red and warns “Cannot resolve symbol ‘google'”. Any idea how to fix it? I have tried 1) deleting .idea/ and re-creating the project in IntelliJ IDEA, and 2) re-importing project from the manually created
Using Intellij to select block between parentheses () or brackets [] or curly brackets {} either with keyboard or mouse
I’ve started working with IntelliJ and I really like it, but there are a few features which I miss compared with Eclipse. One of which is selecting blocks between {}, (), or [] or jumping between the opening/closing of a block. For example, in eclipse if you double click just after an opening parentheses it will select everything up to
“Cannot start compilation: the output path is not specified for module…”
I have a very simple Java + Gradle project. It builds fine. It runs fine from the shell with “gradle run”. However, if I try to run inside of IntelliJ, I get: My “Compiler output” is set to “Inherit project compile output path”. I don’t want a custom output path, whatever that is, just do a normal gradle build and
IntelliJ IDEA 13 uses Java 1.5 despite setting to 1.7
Despite specifying JDK 1.7 in all project settings (including in File -> Project Structure -> Project :: Project SDK), the following error is produced by IntelliJ 13 when trying to compile some simple Java 7 code which does use the diamond operator: Is there any other place in the configuration where the expected -source 7 option should be enabled? Answer
Building a war on intellij
I have a Java EE project I have imported into IntelliJ . I can compile the project but for some reason not able to build a war artifact , when I go to the build tab the <build artifacts> option is blanked out ( ie I cannot select it ) . my project compiles fine but I am still confused