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Tag: groovy

How to trigger a task after build

I have the following code: If I write build.doLast(generateJavaApi), IntelliJ tells me the following: No candidates found for method call build.dolast. Why is that and how would you trigger generateJavaApi after build? (so that running gradle build would automatically also trigger the generation of the java api) Answer What you want is this:

How to run a Groovy script in my Spring Boot Application?

So I have an existing spring boot app. I want to add a Groovy script (let’s say “HelloWorld.groovy”) to display the message hello world. how can i do this? below is how i want it took like : Answer There are a lot of different ways to do it and there isn’t enough information in the question to know for

Can I add a delay to a call to a Stub method in Spock?

I’m using the Spock Framework to test some Java classes. One thing I need to do is add a delay to a Stub method that I’m calling, in order to simulate a long-running method. Is this possible? This looks possible using Mockito: Can I delay a stubbed method response with Mockito?. Is it possible using Spock? Answer Spock is a

Why can’t Nextflow handle this awk phrase?

Background: Using a csv as input, I want to combine the first two columns into a new one (separated by an underscore) and add that new column to the end of a new csv. Input: Desired output: The below awk phrase works from the command line: However, when placed within a nextflow script (below) it gives an error. Here is

Why does a variable of type print truncated content and ellipses (…)?

I would like to understand why a variable of type is printed with truncated content and ellipses (…) when converted to string. I have this code in a JSR223 Sampler in JMeter: I would like to understand why does not print the whole text content and show ellipses after some point (…) If I do, I can
