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Tag: gradle

Unable to generate interface with openapi-generator-gradle-plugin

I’m trying to generate models and controller interfaces with openapi-generator-gradle-plugin. The problem I’m having is that the plugin in generating classes instead of interfaces. A generated class looks like this: While I’m trying to generate an interface, so that I can implement it in my rest controller. When looking at the configuration, I assumed that the interfaceOnly parameter will make

Failed to read key key1 from store even tho key is 100% correct

I am trying to create a release build for my app, but no matter what I do, it does not work. I get this error everytime: Task :app:packageRelease FAILED I created so many keys and passwords and this time (every time created it new), but it always says “keystore password was incorrect” even tho it is 100% correct!! gradle properties

What is the current version of log4j-nosql and is it save?

For obvious reasons I am trying to update log4j to version 2.15. However the submodule log4j-nosql seems to be discontinued after 2.9.1: Is updating this submodule necessary? Which submodule contains the exploit? Answer I see no evidence that it’s “discontinued”, it’s just effectively feature-complete. They haven’t needed to update it, so they haven’t updated it. Is updating this submodule

gradle publishing project-version-PLAIN.war file instead of project-version.war

When I run “gradle build”, it generates a build/libs/project-version.war file which is able to run by itself with “java -jar” command. But when I run “gradle artifactoryPublish”, it saves on the artifactory repository a “project-version-plain-war” file which does not have tomcat embedded. I am following this instruccions The lines added to the are something like this: help is

IllegalArgumentException at gradle build error

I keep on getting a IllegalArgumentException at and I am not sure what is causing it. I pulled a brand new Spring project from start spring io just with basic Web, Lombok and JPA dependencies. I tried building it with gradle doing ./gradlew clean build and it keep throwing this error. Here is my build.gradle: and my gradle

Customize Manifest in War task

I need to modify Manifest file during the assembly of WAR file. I need to add a list of all files on a class path to avoid CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long exception being thrown when I want to execute this java file on Windows machine. Declared directly in build script this task does the
