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Tag: github

Cannot pull origin dev due to unrelated conflict in Git

I pull a branch (let’s say issue-100) from origin for review and after review I switched to local dev branch without modifying this issue-100 branch. There are some conflicts with this branch, but I did not touch it and just create a new branch after pulling dev branch from origin. But, interestingly, Git gives “Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and

How do I make use of a third-party java library github project?

When there’s no obvious compiled jars provided on a github project page, I’ve been downloading the clear code and kludging them into subdirectories in my codebase to make use of third party code (or, most of the time, just not using the code at all). I know that’s not the right way to go about this; what is? There’s a

gradle build broken after dependency update

I use gradle to build a java project (ASCIIGenome). One of the dependencies of ASCIIGenome is a repository on github (htsjdk, as you can see is a fork with some changes of mine). The ASCIIGenome project builds fine if I use this commit of htsjdk in build.gradle: I made edits to htsjdk so now the dependency is and now the

Run custom TextSecure (Signal) server

I am trying to start my custom TextSecure (Signal) server. I want to use it for all functions that Signal has (both SMS and telephony). I believe that I also need redphone server to run telephony. I’ve found github repos for TextSecure server only but no repos for redphone server. I think that I also need to run this
