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Tag: fxml

Calling a method through from another controller JavaFx Creating an image gallery, where if I call the method, handleOpen() in RootLayoutController It’ll call method, createImageView() in ImageViewController To pass the variable file to it, any suggestions on how do I do it? Answer First, the createImageView() method needs to be public. In RootLayoutController you need to create a method to get the instance of ImageViewController

Copy image from JavaFX application and paste it using Windows

I am working on a JavaFX application. I want to copy image from application using context menu and paste it using Windows feature of paste. For example, like shown below in images. And want to paste at location from using of Windows features menu. Answer Use the Clipboard and ClipboardContent, e.g. as: For the “Paste” operation of Windows context menus

How to Convert FXML to JAVA [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 4 months ago. Improve this question I created a .fxml file using javafx scene builder in NetBeans. How can I convert .fxml file in NetBeans to .java? Is that any

How to use FXMLLoader.load() – JavaFX 2

I am building a JavaFX application using the JavaFX Scene Builder. The interface was created in the Scene Builder and a FXML file (main.fxml) was created. To use the interface in my application I must load the FXML file using the FXMLLoader, but there is a problem because the load() method returns an Object, and to build a Scene I

RequestFocus in TextField doesn’t work

I use JavaFX 2.1 and I created GUI using FXML, in the controller of this GUI I added myTextField.requestFocus();. But I always get the focus in the other control. Answer At the time of initialize() controls are not yet ready to handle focus. You can try next trick: For tricky complex applications (like Pavel_K has in the comments) you may

JavaFX 2.1 TableView refresh items

I have this common issue, as it appears to be. My table view wont refresh my items after I reset them. I have checked the data and it’s the new one. I tried multiple solution from internet but no success. Can’t reset all the columns because it adds one empty one extra (dont know why) and the resize just breakes.
