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Tag: events

Spring event lifecycle

To understand if the spring events fits the task im working on I need to understand how they work, where are they stored? as I can guess they are stored in a spring application context and disappears if the application crashes, is my guess correct? Answer Spring events are intended to use when calling methods directly would create too much

JavaFX event on Mouse Wheel Finished for ScrollPane

I have a ScrollPane with lots of elements on it, (Same one as this JavaFX setHgrow / binding property expanding infinitely) and initially I was planning on using the setOnScrollFinished(this::scrollFinished); event, however I’ve now discovered through research that this only applies to touch gestures, and trying to find a compromise for the MouseWheel hasn’t been great and I just find

How to manage a RestEndpoint with Spring Application Events?

I´m developing a spring boot microservice and I´m raising application events to execute my services and do my business stuff. It works well when I listen from Kafka, but also I want to implement an endpoint that returns a response. I raise my application event in the restController but what I don´t know is how to get the result of

Does Java have native support for events, similar to that of C#?

I’m a bit confused from what I’ve heard Java doesn’t do events. But I know that it does GUI events. Am I missing something? Does java have an event handling mechanism? I’m aware that I can implement a publisher subscriber pattern, but I’m looking for native support within Java. I seem to remember something about Java Adding events in either
