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Tag: event-handling

Spring event lifecycle

To understand if the spring events fits the task im working on I need to understand how they work, where are they stored? as I can guess they are stored in a spring application context and disappears if the application crashes, is my guess correct? Answer Spring events are intended to use when calling methods directly would create too much

How to create change listener for variable?

Let’s say I have some variable defined using the statementint someVariable;. While the code runs, the variable’s value changes. How can I track the changes in this variable? How could I implement some Listener that behaves like onSomeVariableChangedListener? I also need to know when some other method in one page has been executed so I can set a Listener in

JTable -> TableModeListener

I have this JTable having a DefaultTableModel as its model. On the table I have several swing component, JComboBox and JCheckBox, set on a particular column via DefaultCellEditor and DefaultCellRenderer. The TableModelListener was added to the table to capture changes on editable columns. The rest of the columns will display details of the selected component, i.e. item code -> item
