So, I been trying to figured out how can I able draw the shape of a rectangle by given the height and the width on the main driver, but I was having trouble because somehow I couldn’t able to draw the rectangle, instead I was able to put the values inside of the draw() methods. For the draw() method was
Tag: eclipse
Disabling “Download sources and javadoc” in eclipse
I’m using Eclipse 20210312-0638 I have unchecked “Download artifact sources” and “Download artifact javadoc” from preferences (First picture). It’s still downloading them (2nd picture). Is there any other configuration that I should change? Answer Someone already filled a bug at Eclipse: Apparently, it’s fixed in M2E, but not yet released. Though, you can update on the latest snapshot as
upgrade servlet 4.0.1 to servlet 5.0
I am upgrading servlet 4.0.1 to servlet 5.0. I was using below maven dependency for servlet 4.0.1 When I am upgrading to servlet 5.0 then I see that There is a new term ‘Jakarta’ and servlet5 comes with Jakarta API with below maven dependency. So, there are below questions I tried to search on the internet but couldn’t find Please
Maven builds multi module project succesfully, Eclipse shows errors
Note: this question is similar to this one, but the answers there did not work for me. I have an odd problem: using Maven in the command line, my build is succesful, but imported in Eclipse it still shows errors. In particular, I’m trying to build the open-source rosetta-dsl project, which is a multi module Maven project containing Xtext and
Unable to click a button (testing)
My project is automation testing on voot app using appium(android),selenium (java) I am using appium desktop inspector to locate the id/xpath of an element and copying that in eclipse. There is a “GOT IT” button on the home page without an id or xpath, how do i go about it screenshot Answer driver.findElementByName(“GOT IT”).click(); or use the position of the
Eclipse content assist fails in loops after upgrade to 2021-06 (4.20.0)
A similar question was asked here, with no answer yet and less of a code sample. I found and tried the deletion solution for a similar problem, but to no avail. After recently upgrading Eclipse to version 2021-06 (4.20.0), I noticed the content assist feature (ctrl-space) not working properly in many instances. If we now would like to access the
Start Tomcat embedded server using Maven [Servlet app] from cmd?
my assignment for the internship is to query some API. I have to do it by not using any application frameworks, namely Spring or Spring Boot. Two semesters ago I had Servlet programming as a course. But I forgot big part of it. One of the requirements is to be able to start the app from cmd. So I have
Appending column at the end of a csv file java
I have a csv file and I have some data in it and I want to append a column in it. e.g: I want to append that Marks Column through code. The problem I’m getting is The data is getting written 2 times and also the on the first column (Except the first one). How can I prevent it from
How to add Java doc link in Eclipse for selenium 3.141.59
I have added selenium 3.141.59 to my project in Eclipse IDE. There are 7 jar files in selenium’s latest release. I tried to add Javadoc link – in each jar file of selenium. But the Eclipse editor is not showing any documentation when hover over the selenium method. Can anyone please help me to solve this problem? Answer You
Servlet mapping not found error while deploying JAX RS application to web sphere 8.5
I am new to web services. have developed a simple rest web svc in java using Eclipse, Tomcat following this link. Application successfully runs on Tomcat but when i deploy it to IBM WebSphere 8.5.5. It deploys successfully but fails to start. I know its something with my Web.xml so i am adding it for rectification. Tried this but to