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Tag: doubly-linked-list

Moving character efficiently on a row

Given input (items = 6, position = 3) creates a row of 6 items and a character positioned on item 3 {0,1,2,[3],4,5} A call to left() moves the character two positions to the left and the item at position 3 is removed {0,[1],2,4,5} The next call to right() moves the character two positions to the right and the item at

Doubly Linked List adding null

I’m new to Java. I want to make student information system, but whenever I used the addStudent method, I get a list with null values. This is the student class for getting names telephone numbers and student ID. This is the Node class. Methods can be wrong maybe they are too complicated sorry for that. I’m trying to learn Java.

Doubly Linked List, Insert Before A Given Node in Java

The method not working: Another add method which is working: A print method to debug: DoublyLinkedList class: LinkedList and Node implementations are very straightforward. Find here: I first create a linkedlist, insert_front() a value to make the head not null, then use the method above to insert something else. Insertion to front, end, after a node are working, however,
