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Doubly Linked List, Insert Before A Given Node in Java

The method not working:

public void insert_before_node(Node givenNode, int data) {
    Node newNode = new Node(data);
    newNode.prev = givenNode.prev;
    givenNode.prev = newNode; = givenNode;

    if(newNode.prev != null) = newNode;

Another add method which is working:

public void insert_front(int data) {
    Node newNode = new Node(data); = head;
    newNode.prev = null;

    if(head != null)
        head.prev = newNode;
    head = newNode;

A print method to debug:

public void print() {
    Node n = head;
    while(n != null){
        n =;

DoublyLinkedList class:

public class DoublyLinkedList {

    static class Node {
        int data;
        Node next;
        Node prev;

        Node(int data) {
   = data;
   = null;
            this.prev = null;

    Node head;

    DoublyLinkedList() {
        this.head = null;

public static void main(String[] args) {

    DoublyLinkedList ll = new DoublyLinkedList();
    ll.insert_before_node(ll.head, 100);



LinkedList and Node implementations are very straightforward. Find here:

I first create a linkedlist, insert_front() a value to make the head not null, then use the method above to insert something else. Insertion to front, end, after a node are working, however, this insert_before_node() is not working. What I have inserted with this method is not appears on my print.

I draw on a paper too, still couldn’t find the problem.

The geeksforgeeks link also has no java implementation for this method.



Your code is working, apart from the assignment of head in insert_front(Node,int) method, I think you forgot this. before that.

Plus, maybe you would need to

  • remove the head argument in insert_front method (it’s the head of the dll, it has a class member for that),
  • remove the underscores (not Java good practice, Sonar would complain)
  • return the nodes you create so you can later reference them (and possibly create a fluent API)

A basic rework would look like this MVP:

import java.util.Objects;

public class DoubleLinkLists {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DoubleLinkedList dll = new DoubleLinkedList();

        DoubleLinkedList.Node node5 = dll.insertInFront(5);
        DoubleLinkedList.Node node4 = dll.insertInFront(4);
        DoubleLinkedList.Node node2 = dll.insertInFront(2);
        DoubleLinkedList.Node node1 = dll.insertInFront(1);
        DoubleLinkedList.Node node3 = dll.insertBefore(node4, 3);


    public static class DoubleLinkedList {
        Node head;

        public String toString() {
            Node current = head;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            while (current != null) {
                  .append(" ");
                current =;

            return sb.toString();

        public Node insertBefore(Node givenNode, int data) {
            Node newNode = new Node(data);
            newNode.prev = givenNode.prev;
            givenNode.prev = newNode;
   = givenNode;

            if (newNode.prev != null) {
       = newNode;

            return newNode;

        public Node insertInFront(int data) {
            Node newNode = new Node(data);
   = head;
            newNode.prev = null;

            if (head != null) {
                head.prev = newNode;

            head = newNode;
            return newNode;

        public static class Node {
            int data;

            Node prev;

            Node next;

            Node(int d) {
                data = d;

            public boolean equals(Object o) {
                if (this == o) return true;
                if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
                Node node = (Node) o;
                return data ==;

            public int hashCode() {
                return Objects.hash(data);
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