The query SELECT * FROM books WHERE (isbn || ‘ ‘ || author || ‘ ‘ || name) ILIKE ‘%el%’ returns from the full db when executed in pgAdmin (PostgreSQL tool) But the same query doesn’t seem to work when I try to run it in Spring Boot, it returns an empty list. I do not know if my query
Tag: database
Looking for Java Multithreaded Client-Server chat application with database tutorial
Im trying to build a Java Multithreaded Client-Server chat application with a database. The database is to store username and password. I am able to build a basic Java Multithreaded Client-Server chat application, but have no idea how to create the database side. Ive found lots of downloadable source code but I’m looking for a tutorial so I can learn
Room database RawQuery() is not work on “IN” and “NOT IN” clause
I have my one table like UserTable. // Now in My MainActivity.class file, I have use following code: My query is running in normal database, but when I was pass array of user ids then, in @RawQuery() method of dao class is not supported for “IN” clause used in where condition “WHERE userId IN (?)”. How, I will use “IN”
executeUpdate() returns always 1 with MERGE statement
ExecuteUpdate() is always returning 1. Pls suggest and appreciate any input. Procedure: Java code: stmt.executeUpdate() – always returns 1, even though insertion happens only once. Appreciate any inputs on this. Ideally, if there are no insertions or errors, it should return 0 or any exception trace. Pls, suggest.** Answer We can make the column a primary key. Now when multiple
How to check if timestamp between two timestamps postgres?
I am working on a spring api where I am using postgres and saving a field of type timestamp with field name as created_date. Now I want to check whether this field is between two different timestamps. Right now I am using this: Is there a way I can use BETWEEN here for this operation? Answer You can do it
How do I work out the entity relationships in my game collection database?
I have a game collection application where I want to create seperate lists of games. I am using Spring JPA and Hibernate in the backend and this is what the Entity classes look like right now. I am not sure if this is even the right approach… In the end, I want to create a Spring Boot application where users
Spring Hibernate SQL Server – problem in updating columns
I get the below error while not updating the mentioned column at all. I only update two another columns that one of them is used to compute the column “Available”. The column “Available” cannot be modified because it is either a computed column or is the result of a UNION operator. I also used native query (as below) to be
Save a Resultset to an Array in java
I want to save the result of a whole Mysql table in an array it returns this to me from the database run: brandon Brandon Julio Daniel BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second) I want to save what is in the database in an array to be able to implement it with a sort and search method that’s why I
After trying to test connection to h2 database or connect whitelabel error occurs
After running Spring boot project and going to localhost:8080/h2-console and after trying to connect to my database I get whitelabel error when i click any button on h2-console screen. I am using in memory database. I am trying to connect to database with classic username:sa and password:(blank) Even after clicking Save i get whitelabel error application properties: pom xml: configure
Is it possible to search all tables in MySQL workbench database with java preparedstatement SQL in order to change a value?
I have several tables like this in a Schema/Database (the Schema is called “user”) in MySQL workbench: Suppose Sarah gets a score change to 5. I want to update all of her scores in all of the tables in which she exists, to be 5. So then the 3 tables would look like this: Is this possible to do using