I am trying to build a custom Liquibase docker image (based on the official liquibase/liquibase:4.3.5 image) for running database migrations in Kubernetes. I am using some custom types for the database which are implemented using @DataTypeInfo annotation and extending existing LiquibaseDataTypes like liquibase.datatype.core.VarcharType (class discovery is implemented using the META-INF/services/liquibase.datatype.LiquibaseDatatype mechanism introduced in Liquibase 4+). These extensions are implemented inside
Tag: classpath
How to set the classpath correctly in java
I need to compile and run simple code using the gson library, but I can’t use Maven, Gradle or the IDE. The directory contains Main.java and gson-2.9.0.jar javac -cp gson-2.9.0.jar Main.java works correctly and creates Main.class But when I run java -cp ./*: Main, I get I also tried the following commands: But all these commands give the same result.
In Java, verify all methods in a class path that are called actually exist within that classpath [closed]
Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question Given a classpath (e.g. a set of jar files) I would like to know, do any of these jar files make a method call (ignoring
Read properties file from classpath (non-maven)
When I try to run my jar from another directory it cannot see the “config” folder with the “url.properties” file in it. Inside MyProperties class I have the following code, which runs perfectly when run from the same dir: The class that contains this code is in the following tree: It runs fine if I run this jar which contains
cmd window does not recognize the classpath option
when I enter like error occurs like this What’s problem? Answer You appear to be using a Linux/Unix system, based on your error: zsh: command not found: mariadb-java-client-2.7.1.jar. Your Java command therefore needs to use a colon :, not a semicolon ;. Semicolons are the JAR separators used on Windows for the java command. But for Linux, it is the
Resource won’t load when exported as a JAR
Using the following code to set a system property: ClassLoader classLoader = StartMain.class.getClassLoader(); URL resource = classLoader.getResource(“com/myname/lib/chromedriver/…
How can I import a custom package in IntelliJ IDEA (Java)?
There is such term like CLASSPATH which is using that JVM could find custom classes or jar files to import them to another packages (Am I right?). So, I created a few custom classes and placed them into package net.ederika, then I created another project with net.bartikan package name. My main idea is to import classes from net.ederika package to
Is it possible to mix –class-path and –module-path in javac (JDK 9)?
When I compile a module that depends on other modules I’ve compiled previously I have to specify the –module-path <directory> option. This makes modules I depend on visible. But at the same time I would also like to make some non-modular Jar files visible. However if don’t make them automatic modules and just specify the –class-path some.jar right next to
Can’t run java application with .jar dependancy – ‘Error: Could not find or load main class’
So my code runs fine in my IDE and I have the javax.mail.jar set as a dependency and my code runs fine. Except I need to use Console console = System.console(); and this does not work within IDE’s So I am trying to compile my code and run it via the terminal, I can compile although when running my code
Concatenate list of paths in bash-script, with colon as separator
I have the following difficult to read script consisting of a single command: As slight readability improvement I would like to list all the paths after the -classpath in a separate variable, each aligned after the other: This way I can easier add and remove the paths, and sort them in Vim. My question is: how to join them back