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Tag: classloader

How to load a class from module(.jmod) file at runtime?

I want to load classes from a module (.jmod) file at runtime into the application memory. I know that we can easily load classes from a (.jar) file using 🙂 The total code snippet can be found at this-repo in src omega.deassembler.JarLoader class But the problem is URLClassLoader is unable to read the modules(.jmod). So is there any other internal

Quarkus classLoader conflicts

I am facing an error while trying to build my quarkus app. It seems to be related to the fact that there are two class loaders that have different class objects for javax/xml/namespace/QName as it is noticed in this part of the stack-trace : Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving field “DATETIME” the class loader (instance of io/quarkus/bootstrap/classloading/QuarkusClassLoader)

How does ServiceLoader.load work with class loaders in JPMS?

I have two JPMS layers: Boot layer with module A loaded by ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@4fca772d Child layer with module B that provides cervices and loaded by Loader@6b58b9e9 The parent classloader of Loader@6b58b9e9 is ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@4fca772d. In module A I have the following code: However, the services of Module B are found only when context class loader is Loader@6b58b9e9 and not found when context

How to avoid “Sharing is only supported for boot loader classes because bootstrap classpath has been appended” warning during debug with Java 11?

Recently I switched to the Java 11 and start to debug my app and saw this message: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Sharing is only supported for boot loader classes because bootstrap classpath has been appended Found only this commit and ticket, but it doesn’t tell me much. Do I need to worry about it? Answer I had this issue

Classloaders hierarchy in Java 9

As of Java 8, I know the hierarchy of the classloaders has been as follows: Bootstrap classloader → Extension classloader → Application classloader What is the change in the hierarchy of classloaders in Java 9 and how does it work? Answer The ClassLoader as revised in Java-9 states that: The Java run-time has the following built-in class loaders: Bootstrap class

Access static method from classes loaded by different ClassLoaders

I have two classes (A and B) which are loaded by different ClassLoaders. Furthermore, I have a third class, which providers static getter and setter methods. I hope following picture can clarify the situation: The Data class looks as following: In class A, I want to set the static value of Data and in B I want to retrieve this

Is it possible to create an URL pointing to an in-memory object?

I’m trying to extend my library for integrating Swing and JPA by making JPA config as automatic (and portable) as can be done, and it means programmatically adding <class> elements. (I know it can be done via Hibernate’s AnnotationConfiguration or EclipseLInk’s ServerSession, but – portability). I’d also like to avoid using Spring just for this single purpose. I can create

What happens if import statements can not be resolved?

I am not clear on the following: A class is loaded by JVM when needed, like lazy initialization, right? Now if class A does an import of class B which class B actually is not in the file system (e.g. B.class was deleted or not delivered or any reason) then does class A get loaded and runs if no method
