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Tag: class

Java OOP; creating array of objects

I’d like to create an array of objects where 3 objects are from one class, and a 4th is from second class. In the first class I did the following: in the second class I did the following: In the main class, I created several pupil objects and one tutor object, like this: Using objects for printing in main works

Swapping elements in an array Java

I am working on a classes challenge in school. We have to great a Boat class and Harbor class. I have gotten every test to work except the final test of where boats are parked in the Harbor. The Harbor constructor contains an array for the Harbor. The test we have to run is below and the code I have

Accessible and Modifiable data?

what is the difference between accessible and modifiable data in the variable grade in terms of accessibility from outside the class? This is my code where i’m calling grade method from outside the class: Answer accessible data means you can only access .we can you only view or access the data it can not be modified or changed whereas modifiable

what is “def” in Java class

Currently, I am using RestAssured for API automation in my project. As we know, it is a Java Project. When I look at the code of class named “TestSpecificationImpl” in Rest-Assured API. I can see that, it is using methods like: I heard about the concept of local variable type inference in java. But it is a concept of Java
