we have a certificate in a pkcs#12 format provided by a 3rd party (not managed by us). We must sign emails with this certificate before sending them to this specific customer from our platform. There were no issues with the old certificate, but as it is about to expire we need to replace it by a newer one, which has
Tag: bouncycastle
How to selectively use approved-only mode with BouncyCastle JSSE provider + FIPS provider?
In a small piece of sample code running on Java 8, I’m trying to follow the advice from the bc-fips-1.0.2.jar user guide, Legion of the Bouncy Castle Inc. BC-FJA 1.0.2 (Bouncy Castle FIPS Java API) User Guide Date: 09/14/19: Note: support for FIPS mode appears to have started disappearing with Java 1.9, it has been confirmed that it is a
How read a PKCS8 encrypted Private key which is also encoded in DER with bouncycastle?
I have tried answers of these questions: Bouncy Castle : PEMReader => PEMParser Read an encrypted private key with bouncycastle/spongycastle However as my encrypted key is encoded in DER when I call object is null. I can convert it to PEM with this openssl’s command (it decrypts the key too) but I need to read the key in its original
Is there a way to encrypt/decrypt using Bouncy Castle without using compression
I’m looking for a way to encrypt/decrypt files/byte arrays without calling compression of input. To be more precises don’t want to use something like ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new …
How to load public certificate from pem file?
I was trying to extract RES public key from the file below Here is the code i did.. But It throws out java.security.InvalidKeyException: IOException: ObjectIdentifier() — data isn’t an object ID What’s the appropriate way to extract RES Public key from a file.. Answer An X.509 certificate and an X509EncodedKeySpec are quite different structures, and trying to parse a cert
Java Bouncy Castle OCSP Url
I am using bouncy castle 1.48 to verify certificate validation with OCSP. It works good. But I’m using Ocsp Url as static variable and I want to read it from certificate. Url is written in certificate as Authority Info Access I got org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AuthorityInformationAccess object from certificate which writes AuthorityInformationAccess: Oid( but cant get Url from there Answer I found the
Getting GPG Decryption To Work In Java (Bouncy Castle)
let me start by saying I’m extremely new to all of this. What I am trying to do is to use gpg from within Java in order to decrypt an encrypted file. What I’ve done successfully: Had a colleague encrypt a file using my public key and his private key and successfully decrypted it. Went the other way Had another
X500Principal Distinguished Name order
I’m using the Bouncycastle lib to generate certificates from PKCS10 requests using the X509v3CertificateBuilder class. It returns build a X509CertificateHolder object which contains the generated certificate. If I call getIssuer on the holder, it returns the issuer distinguished name in the correct order (the same returned if I call getSubjectX500Principal() on the issuer certificate), if I parse the encoded version
RSA in bouncycastle for java – How is ciphertext randomization gained?
I´m acutally using bouncycastle library for my applications RSA crypto. My question is: When I encrypt one plaintext two times using the same key, It will lead to two different ciphertexts, so there has to be some kind of randomization in bouncycastles implementation (RSA itself is not randomized, so enc(a, k) is always the same). Can anyone please tell me,