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Tag: boolean

how to traverse a Boolean recursion array

The exercise: Build a recursion(with no loops) that every cell that you go inside is the number of steps that you can go, it could be right/left until you get to the last cell. if you can’t get to the last cell return false, else return true. you must start from index 0. My problem: I build the program, it’s

Setting all values in a boolean array to true

Is there a method in Java for setting all values in a boolean array to true? Obviously I could do this with a for loop, but if I have (for example) a large 3D array, I imagine using a loop would be quite inefficient. Is there any method in Java to set all values in a certain array to true,

Count the number of “trues” for n booleans

I would like to count the number of trues, each result should have its own associated action. Maybe something like: Any idea of how to write the getResult method body a pretty way? In the example, I used only four, but it should be extendable to a bigger number of booleans. Any other way to proceed is welcome. Answer Write

Differences among various bool types?

What are the differences among bool, boolean and Boolean in Java/Android? Answer bool does not seem to exist, at least I can’t find references to it. boolean is a primitive boolean type, not an object. Boolean is the wrapper object for a boolean.

Java: for loop, incompatible types

I’m trying to run this for loop; However every time I try to compile I get an error stating ‘incompatible types – found int but expected boolean’ I can’t work out what I’m doing wrong! Answer the second statement: grid[0].length is an integer. The second statement in a for loop is a condition statement and needs to be a boolean.
