getting below exception when I create tuple of Http trigger and blobinput and send it to handleRequest.. [2021-08-20T09:53:12.816Z] java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: At the moment only Tuple-based function are supporting multiple arguments [2021-08-20T09:53:12.818Z] at I need to send both inputs to handleRequest method… any clue how to achieve that? Answer Spent some time and the only way I could achieve that what you
Tag: azure
Unknown lifecycle phase “.mainClass=com.blobs.quickstart.App”
I ran through this demo (using PowerShell). Everything was fine until I ran the line: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=”com.blobs.quickstart.App” -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false then I got the below exception: This is the link from where I followed the steps Answer As ManojReddy-MSFT suggested: In most cases, this error occurs because of the missing plugin Can you verify if you have this plugin?
CosmosDatabase.createContainerIfNotExists() -> “Resource with specified id, name, or unique index already exists.”
If I call the the method: CosmosDatabase.createContainerIfNotExists(x) I receive the error message: Resource with specified id, name, or unique index already exists. How I have to interpret this error? The full exception stacktrace: Answer I work around the problem with a try catch block and repeat the operation if this error occur. Debug code show that the container exists after
Azure AD with spring boot with user in local Database
Helo Here, I Hope you are doing well. I’s been few days I’m having this problem. I have a spring boot API using Azure AD authentication thanks to AADResourceServerWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. Here is the flow I want to have: User gets token from Azure in the react native frontend (done) User logs into the api thanks to the given token. (to-do) If
How can I generate a licensed download link in azure storage blob
I can get a link by those code, and it could download a file successfully. but everyone could download the file by this link, I want the file could be downloaded by the one who is authorized. Is there any code or azure’s setting(such as AD?) could implement this? Thanks ————————-update———————— I find a doc,and there gives a reason. Note:
Unable to get the AuthenticationResult after redirecting to java web-app
I am trying to integrate azure ad into a java web application using openidconnect approach. My web application is deployed on weblogic application server. Reference: microsoft doc Base code that I used is from microsoft github repo: Link After integration, I was able to redirect my login page to Microsoft login page, entered credential and then when Microsoft redirects back
Getting an exception when tried to implement Azure AD authentication and authorization in Spring Boot
I receive the following error: Even though I’ve provided the client ID in I followed the following link: POM: MAIN: CONTROLLER APPLICATION.PROPERTIES I updated my POM with The new error after updating POM: I’ve updated my POM, now it is building fine, but on login I’m getting AADSTS50011: The reply URL specified in the request does not match
@PropertySource fails to autowire required class (Spring Boot 2.3.8.RELEASE)
I have the following class I plan on using to autowire an instance of a Spring class named AADAppRoleStatelessAuthenticationFilter: Although the default-integration.yml file is well placed under /resources (no ‘FileNotFoundException’ is thrown), it seems like during the application start-up, Spring, for whatever reason, is not able to read it’s content (or disregards it while trying to initialize aadAppRoleStatelessAuthenticationFilter). It throws
List Azure AD using UsernamePasswordCredential provider
I am using UsernamePasswordCredential provider to connect to AAD and get de users using msgraph-sdk-java (, the code is the following: and I am receiving the following error: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Failed to acquire token with username and password any idea if I need configure somethings in azure active directory? Answer Your problem has been resolved through comments. Post it Illegal character in query at index 177
I tried to get Azure Usage details via nextLink which is shared by Azure. while i tried to make http request URISyntaxException is occured. This is the nextLink url: “$filter=properties/usageStart eq ‘2020-07-1’ and properties/usageEnd eq ‘2020-07-30’ &metric=actualcost&$expand=properties/meterDetails,properties/additionalInfo&sessiontoken=15:785628&$skiptoken=827CDTHDWI07C46616C7365730&skiptokenver=v1&id=2d790-d675-45d-89j56-3989w06cca” I think this is because of characters such as ?, & and ! in my URL. so I tried using: URLEncoder.encode(myUrl, “UTF-8”); but