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Tag: azure-functions

Java Azure Functions deployment fails with timeout issue

When deploying Azure function using the maven plugin mvn azure-functions:deploy, a lot of the times I receive the below error. Usually it just works retrying a few times. [INFO] Trying to deploy artifact to CodeRuntimePrac3… [WARNING] [bbc8d6e1-1, L:/ –] The connection observed an error java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Channel response timed out after 60000 milliseconds. at ( at$handlerAdded$0 ( at

Azure Fucntions 2.x and 3.x will no longer be supported? (Java)

The following article states that Azure Fucntions 2.x and 3.x will no longer be supported. We are using Java, not .NET Core 3.1. We would like to know if we need to update to version 4.x even if we are using Java. Is our understanding correct that Java will continue to support the new features, security patches, and performance

Azure spring boot function-how to pass trigger and input binding both to handleRequest method at same time?

getting below exception when I create tuple of Http trigger and blobinput and send it to handleRequest.. [2021-08-20T09:53:12.816Z] java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: At the moment only Tuple-based function are supporting multiple arguments [2021-08-20T09:53:12.818Z] at I need to send both inputs to handleRequest method… any clue how to achieve that? Answer Spent some time and the only way I could achieve that what you

Is there a way to get the headers data of events (EventHub) using @EventHubTrigger of Azure Functions in Java?

I have an Azure Function implemented with azure-functions-java-library that receives events from one EventHub and I’m using @EventHubTrigger, the problem is that I need the header data from an event but I don’t see any way to get this, I have already read the docs and nothing. The reason I need this is because from the EventHub I’am receiving events

Unhandled: Not found mavenPOMFile – Azure DevOps pipeline for Java Function App

I would like to create pipeline which deploy Java Azure Function, but failing. Please advice me. I’m following tutorial as base, but I’m using Git Repo of Azure DevOps instead of GitHub. POM File is located inside zip file of /pipelines-java-function-master/pom.xml My Error is: My YAML is: Answer POM File is located inside zip file of /pipelines-java-function-master/pom.xml This is
