I have created a Spring Boot Web Application with Hibernate. I am using Microsoft Azure and SQL Database to deploy my application. I have configured the database on Azure and in my code. Configuration code is- 1. application.properties file 2. application.yml file I am creating several tables in my database. All the tables are getting created, but one that needs
Tag: azure
Java Azure Functions deployment fails with timeout issue
When deploying Azure function using the maven plugin mvn azure-functions:deploy, a lot of the times I receive the below error. Usually it just works retrying a few times. [INFO] Trying to deploy artifact to CodeRuntimePrac3… [WARNING] [bbc8d6e1-1, L:/ – R:coderuntimeprac3.scm.azurewebsites.net/] The connection observed an error java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Channel response timed out after 60000 milliseconds. at com.azure.core.http.netty.implementation.ResponseTimeoutHandler.responseTimedOut (ResponseTimeoutHandler.java:58) at com.azure.core.http.netty.implementation.ResponseTimeoutHandler.lambda$handlerAdded$0 (ResponseTimeoutHandler.java:45) at
Can we debug deployed azure function from intellij?
I have developed a Java azure function and deployed it through IntelliJ(with Azure toolkit plugin support). I can do local run/debug on the function app from ide, as it nicely supports local run/debug. Now the question is, Is there any way to debug code(or jar) that is deployed on Azure function(not sure if this has to be called remote debugging)?
Azure Blob Storage Java SDK 12 extract file name from blob name
let’s say I have blob structure like this: dir0 ├── dir1 │ ├── file11 │ └── file12 ├── dir2 └── dir3 After listing the dir1 that contains two files file11, file12 with listBlobsByHierarchy(“dir0/dir1/”) method I’m getting two blobs with blobName property set to dir0/dir1/file11 and dir0/dir1/file12, so <virtual_path>/<file_name>. That’s OK, but in some point I need to get the <file_name>
Obtain Folder size in Azure Data Lake Gen2 using Java
There is some literature over the internet for C# to compute folder size. But could not find Java. Is there an easy way to know the folder size? in Gen2 How to compute if not? There are several examples on the internet for (2) with C# and powershell. Any means with Java? Answer As far as I am aware, there
Azure DevOps Maven Build PIpeline – Add build id to the Manifest File
Is there a way to add the build id to the Manifest file of an EAR? I have tried adding variables, and I “think” I have added the Maven Options that I would normally put on the command line to set variables in my POM. BUt nothing seems to work. Answer The Build.BuildId is a predefined variable and it’s the
Spring Data cosmos @Transactions support
With Azure Cosmos DB transactional batch support available for Cosmos Java SDK 4.7.0, Does Spring Data Cosmos allows transactional operations? I went through Spring Data Cosmos Github Documentation, but didn’t find a reference. Need help if there is a way to implement transaction batch operations via spring cosmos data. If there is no way currently, then what would be the
Secure a Java web app using the Spring Boot Starter for Azure Active Directory JWT token algorithm problem
I’m created java web application using spring boot starter for azure active directory step by step like is described in:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/developer/java/spring-framework/configure-spring-boot-starter-java-app-with-azure-active-directory My application with my azure account work fine when i open localhost:8080 it redirects me to azure where I do the login and then I’m redirected back to my app. Problem is when i try to configure this dummy app
In Azure DevOps, how to gracefully restart when deploying an app to Functions
In Azure DevOps Pipeliens, when deploying an app to Functions, the app may restart during the process of the app. Is there a way to monitor if the Functions app is running in the pipeline, make sure it’s done, and then deploy the app? Conditions Functions runtime: Java Trigger: Service Bus Trigger I tried to check the lock status of
How to handle blob store url when receive from API
I have an API URL (e.g.: localhost:8080/api/blobs/download/{item-id}). The API itself will return the URL of that item in the Blob Store (for example, https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myitem). Now I have a task that requires user to copy and paste the API URL into the browser, and expect it to view/download the item. The question is how Java can support user browse the Blob