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Tag: aws-lambda

Disable Azure service bus printing logs in cloud watch

I was getting following error message in aws lambda logs : so i added maven depdenecies as : But on adding slfj4j dependencies unwated logs from azure service bus are also getting printed now eg. my log4j.xml looks like this : How can i disable these logs getting printed ? Answer I think the problem is related with the logging

Using GraalVM to run Java in AWS Lambda

Is there any ability to use GraalVM to run Java in AWS Lambda functions? I read a lot articles about cold starts of Java applications with GraalVM AOT (ahead-of-time) compilation feature and decreasing duration of that and I’d like to try to use it in my AWS Lambda projects. Answer With the introduction of Custom AWS Lambda Runtimes at re:Invent

Logging in AWS Lambda with slf4j

I am using a lambda function and writing it in Java. I was looking up logging for Lambda functions when I read the docs and they support log4j – I was wondering if we could use logging using the Slf4j annotation as well since Slf4j is only a binding annotation. Has anybody tried using Slf4j before with lambda? Answer
