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Tag: aws-java-sdk

Get the Tags detail of AWS IAM user

I want to get the tags information of AWS IAM users using rest service or AWS Java SDK. I am not able to find any AWS SDK example or class to get the IAM user tag information. Below is the example how I am getting list of users but I want to pull their tags detail also AmazonIdentityManagement iam= AmazonIdentityManagementClientBuilder.standard().withCredentials(awCreds).withRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1).build();

Uploading files to S3 in Multithreading

I’m uploading files to s3 using the s3 AWS client in my spring application, but sometimes I’m getting the error, So as a solution to this I used the following approach and it worked for now. I have created this as a Spring Bean. But I am using this in a multithreading environment. So there will many concurrent requests at

Fetching specific fields from an S3 document

I am using AWS Java SDK in my application to talk to one of my S3 buckets which holds objects in JSON format. A document may look like this: Now, for a certain document lets say document1 I need to fetch the values corresponding to field a and b instead of fetching the entire document. This sounds like something that

AWS Exception “Requests specifying Server Side Encryption with AWS KMS managed keys require AWS Signature Version 4” even after set the v4 signature

I have below code to connect to AWS S3. However, I got an error I googled online, and the suggestion is to set the signature to version 4, which I did already. Any thoughts? Note my aws jdk is pretty dated as I cannot upgrade it due to some other libs conflicts. Answer Setting AWS SDK client configuration to V4
