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Tag: document

Fetching specific fields from an S3 document

I am using AWS Java SDK in my application to talk to one of my S3 buckets which holds objects in JSON format. A document may look like this: Now, for a certain document lets say document1 I need to fetch the values corresponding to field a and b instead of fetching the entire document. This sounds like something that

How to save a Jsoup Document to an HTML file?

I have used this method to retrieve a webpage into an org.jsoup.nodes.Document object: myDoc = Jsoup.connect(myURL).ignoreContentType(true).get(); How should I write this object to a HTML file? The methods myDoc.html(), myDoc.text() and myDoc.toString() don’t output all elements of the document. Some information in a javascript element can be lost in parsing it. For example, “timestamp” in the source of an Instagram
