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Tag: apache-kafka

How to catch deserialization error in Kafka-Spring?

I’m getting up an application consuming kafka messages. I followed Spring-docs about Deserialization Error Handling in order to catch deserialization exception. I’ve tried the failedDeserializationFunction method. This is my Consumer Configuration Class This is the BiFunction Provider When I send just one corrupted message on the topic I got this error (in loop): org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing key/value I understood that

@KafkaListener is not consuming messages – issue with deserialization

Message Producer using Kafka bindings of Spring cloud streams This use below serialization$StringSerde$BytesSerde I am Trying to consume these messages in separate Consumer Application via Spring Kafka – KafkaListener Container factory configuration With this Configuration Consumer is not picking up the messages(Bytes). If I change Kafka listener to accept String then it gives me below exception : Caused

Kafka Streams processor API context.forward

For incoming record I need to validate the value and based on result object I need to forward error to different topics and if successfully validated then forward the same using context.forward(). It can be done using DSL as provided in this link using kafka-streams to conditionally sort a json input stream I am not finding a clear way of

Spring Kafka The class is not in the trusted packages

In my Spring Boot/Kafka application before the library update, I used the following class org.telegram.telegrambots.api.objects.Update in order to post messages to the Kafka topic. Right now I use the following org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.Update. As you may see – they have different packages. After application restart I ran into the following issue: This is my config: How to solve this issue and

Apache Spark Streaming with Java & Kafka

I’m trying to run Spark Streaming example from the official Spark website Those are the dependencies I use in my pom file: This is my Java code: When I try to run it from Eclipse I get following exception: I run this from my IDE (eclipse). Do I have to create and deploy the JAR into spark to make it

Kafka Best Practices + how to set recommended setting for JVM

A recommended setting for JVM looks like following my question is – How do I set the above Java options for Kafka? I know for sure that we can set but not sure if we can append the whole line to KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS variable reference – Answer you can check, here you can see what env variables kafka uses

KafkaStreams is not running. State is ERROR

I have a Kafka consumer class that listens to events and perform join between events (Order, Customer) and store them in a materialized view. I created another class to access state store when REST call received. But I am getting java.lang.IllegalStateException: KafkaStreams is not running. State is ERROR. I tried to assign application.server property, it didn’t work. Class EventsListener joins
