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Tag: android

JSoup not able to get links from html

I’m trying to get links from html of a site but unable to do so using Jsoup. This is the HTML: This is the android code that I wrote which doesn’t seem to work: Can someone please help me with this? Thanks Edit: Basically I’m trying to get those 6 links and add them to my list to use it

save text file in sqlite android

I want to save text file in sqlite android but it is giving an error android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: NOT NULL constraint failed: at line long result = db.insert(TABLE_NAME,null,cv);. The path gives this in log Download/Link_on.txt and the readFile(path) returns [49, 10, 48, 48, 58, 48…… but it is still failing to save the text file in db. Thanks for the help. Answer

Loading of TableRows and TextViews into TableLayout after onCreate

I would like to load TableRows with TextViews into the table outside of oncreate. It should look like that. The problem is that I want to do the whole thing outside of the oncreate function. The rows and text views should only be added at runtime. If I do it outside then the added elements are rendered but not displayed.

Multi-Role based user login in Android(java)

I have multiple roles for user login, I have successfully implemented if one user has only one role but the problem is if a user have more than one role then how can I implement that. Thanks and Regards Prabhat Pandit. Answer One is: You can ask from a user at runtime that by which role he/she want to login.

React native ANDROID build fails with error in varargs mismatch; ApplicationPackage cannot be converted to Package

I was using depcheck to uninstall unused modules from my project. I following three packages along with a few others that i installed during development. expo-status-bar expo-updates expo-splash-screen however after doing so, i encountered few errors during build, and thus i reinstalled these packages. but now I’m facing this error. I am sure that expo-application is installed Here is the
