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Tag: admob

How do I hide a NativeAdView ad template?

How can I hide where the ad appears if there is no ad? This is the advertisement that I have. It works and there is no problem, but in the event that there is no advertisement, the template remains. I want it to disappear and appear only when an advertisement is available enter image description here NativeAdView template Answer control

Issue in Native Ad Flutter using google_mobile_sdk

I want to monetise my Flutter app using google_mobile_ads library with Native ads. I am facing some issues while facing this documentation – I am not sure where to put the my_native_ad.xml file so that it can be referred by the Kotlin Main Activity File. Also, in the MainActivity file, I am facing some errors :- e: /Users/yash/AndroidStudioProjects/VideoPlayer/android/app/src/main/kotlin/dev/jideguru/filex/MainActivity.kt: (26,

Can’t display adMob banners on my activity

I want to display ads on my activity. For this I added next lines on manifest: on activity xml have: and on activity: I have added unit Ad ID on string banner_ad. Despite my efforts, I can not show anything on adView. All work perfect for debug mode. Just on debug mode. Any suggestion please? Answer When create an adMob

How to avoid Admob blocking the UI thread

I have detected some of my activities are blocked at the launch. So I wrote that code in a new project: And the result is that the first creation of an AdView object blocks the UI thread for between 1 and 2 seconds. Is there some way of avoiding that? Thanks Answer You are creating your AdView in your UI
