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Tag: amazon-web-services

Using GraalVM to run Java in AWS Lambda

Is there any ability to use GraalVM to run Java in AWS Lambda functions? I read a lot articles about cold starts of Java applications with GraalVM AOT (ahead-of-time) compilation feature and decreasing duration of that and I’d like to try to use it in my AWS Lambda projects. Answer With the introduction of Custom AWS Lambda Runtimes at re:Invent

AWS S3 doesObjectExist costs

AWS S3 Java SDK provides a method doesObjectExist() to check if an object exists in S3. What operation does it use internally? Is it GET, LIST, or HEAD ? My concern is mainly related to its costs. From S3 documentation the costs of US west Oregon are- PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST Requests $0.005 per 1,000 requests GET, SELECT and

SQS FIFO Using MessageGroupId to receive message

How do I use the messagegroupid parameter to only receive queue messages tagged with the id I need? I’ve been trying to use the line below to retrieve but it will always receive all the queue messages from other group id as well. List<Message> messages = sqs.receiveMessage(receiveMessageRequest.withAttributeNames(“MessageGroupId”)).getMessages(); What should be the correct way to do it? Answer The ReceiveMessageRequest is

How to connect to SQS queue

I have created several SQS queues in the management console. All the queues have full access permission (Allow – Everybody – All SQS Actions) I have created necessary credentials and can connect to AWS. Now I am trying to connect to created queues: But nothing is displayed. At the same time, if I create queue programatically: It is listed and

S3 link with longer expiration

I am generating a pre-signed link using the java sdk for a client. We have new requirements to allow the links to remain active for at least 30 days. When I set the expiration longer I get the below error: Requests that are pre-signed by SigV4 algorithm are valid for at most 7 days I need to determine a way
