i am trying out dynamodb locally and got the following table: I want to query it with Java like this: But it throws a Exception with “QUery Key Condition not supported”. I dont understand this, because in the docs, the “<” operator is described as regular operation. Can anybody help me Answer DDB Query() requires a key condition that includes
Tag: amazon-web-services
Get the Tags detail of AWS IAM user
I want to get the tags information of AWS IAM users using rest service or AWS Java SDK. I am not able to find any AWS SDK example or class to get the IAM user tag information. Below is the example how I am getting list of users but I want to pull their tags detail also AmazonIdentityManagement iam= AmazonIdentityManagementClientBuilder.standard().withCredentials(awCreds).withRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1).build();
How do I install JDK 17 on my AWS AMI Ec2 instance? [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question
Amazon Rekognition label detection problem
Problem: I’m starting to use Amazon Rekognition label detection, the problem is that I don’t know how to pass a url to the DetectLabelsRequest () object. That url contains an image which is the one I need to analyze. Code: URL of image to analyze: http://placehold.it/120×120&text=image1 Answer Here is your solution using the Amazon Rekognition Java V2 API. If you
AWS – Ubuntu User Session Stops Spring Boot App
this is my first deploy on AWS. I have a Spring Boot API on an EC2 AWS instance. To run my API I run the command ‘java -jar app.jar’, this works for a while, but when the session for the ubuntu user is logged out my API stops. Then I have to run the command ‘java -jar app.jar’ and so
How to use RDS environment properties attached to Elastic Beanstalk Environment – Java
I created an ElasticBeanstalk env with an RDS attached to it. The platform of the instance using Corretto 8 running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2. It says here that the RDS settings are available as environment properties like RDS_HOSTNAME and here it states that in Java, we could retrieve them using System.getenv(). But when I try it on the EC2
Java: unable to delete dynamodb item value
I am trying to delete a field called “dog” from all of the items that resides on table animals, or that I use the following code: But I am getting: What am I doing wrong here? by the way, I also tried: But got the same exception. (Also tried DELETE instead of REMOVE) Answer I found the solution for the
AWS Appsync Graphql Java Client – IAM authorisation
This is the schema for which I have implement business logic I use RestTemplate as my Java client to consume graphql endpoint giving API key as authorization. I ad dthe api key in the header paart as x-api-key. The above implementation retrieves the values from the backend. But according the schema which is defined by the other team, the authorization
How to close aws client in aws lambda
I am trying to correctly write an aws lambda using Java that will use aws sdk SqsClient and SnsClient. I see that these clients implement close() method, and it is generally a good practice to call this method when client is no longer required. And the best practices for lambda (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/best-practices.html) advices to Initialize SDK clients and database connections outside
Inconsisent S3 parameter validation error when running bash script in Ubuntu WSL
I’m experimenting with AWS Lambda by following along with the instructions here: https://github.com/awsdocs/aws-lambda-developer-guide/tree/main/sample-apps/java-basic. Part of the setup instructions require running this script (2-deploy.sh): When I run the script in WSL I get a parameter validation error: However, when I manually run the last two lines of the file with the debug output it works correctly: Why does this fail when