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Optional pagination with Spring

I am pretty new to java and spring. What I want to implement is api endpoint /tickets with pagination and sorting. I made it and it works. But also what I would like to do is to return plain list of all tickets if size and page are not specified in the query params, so in FE I can use

How can I create a checkbox in a TableViewer of JFace?

I have created a tableViewer with two columns and I want to make one of them a checkbox. To do that I have created a CheckBoxCellEditor, but I don´t know why it isn´t working. The column called tableName displays it´s values OK. The column specification is the following. And the EditingSupport is the following: The TableMetaData object decides if the

How to get the file list for a commit with JGit

I have been working on a Java based product for which the Git features are going to be integrated. Using one of the Git features, I have done adding 10+ files into the Git repository by staging followed by committing them in a single commit. Is the reverse of the above process possible? I.e Finding the list of files committed

Not able to create object of ExtentReports

I am new to extent reporting. I am using Selenium Webdriver and want to use Extent reports with it. But my code is not able to create ExtentReport object. The above code is giving exception as : Using the below configuration : if anyone have idea. Please help. Answer I tested your code. It shows no exception at my end.

How do you execute cron job every 5 minutes?

I am trying to execute a Cron Job every 5 minutes of an hour but its not executing on time. I think that the time expression is wrong. How do you set the time expression for a 1, 5 minute job and a 2 for 1 hour job? Answer For job 1, 5 minute, you can use: Because the first

Jackson , java.time , ISO 8601 , serialize without milliseconds

I’m using Jackson 2.8 and need to communicate with an API that doesn’t allow milliseconds within ISO 8601 timestamps. The expected format is this: “2016-12-24T00:00:00Z” I’m using Jackson’s JavaTimeModule with WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS set to false. But this will print milliseconds. So I tried to use objectMapper.setDateFormat which didn’t change anything. My current workaround is this: I’m overriding the default serializer for
