Not sure how to fix this. I want this version of the Kotlin runtime and maven plugin. These are the bits in my pom.xml: And I added this as a repo: I get this error: Failure to find org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-maven-plugin:jar:1.2-M2 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed
How to configure delay time in Spring-retry (Spring Boot)
Is it possible to configure the @Retryable ? This methods (getCurrentRate) will be invoked 3 times. At first is 5 min, after that 10 min, lastly 15 min. How can I configure that ? Example Answer You can achieve that with this configuration: Invocations: After 5m ~ Delay = 300000 After 10m ~ Delay = 300000 * 2 = 600000
Error creating a login using LDAP
I’m trying to create a page with spring to authenticate using ldap. I followed the official guide but trying to connect to my active directory instead of a test code. WebSecurityConfig StackTrace I think the error is in the LDAP connection, but I think I have all the parameters fine. If you need more information please, tell me.
Unable to click a button in Selenium
I’m facing a tough time clicking a button from Selenium. Here’s the DOM: I’ve declared the button WebElement this way using Xpath (a valid Xpath that returns one node as per Firepath): I’ve tried clicking the said button with send_this_msg_btn Xpath in below mentioned ways, but none of them work for me. WebDriver’s click() method : JavaScriptExecutor: Actions
Is there any stable serialization method for different languages?
In my project we have an API, and many clients may send transactions to this API. Transactions should be signed. Clients may be written in any language (C++, C#, python, go, whatever), with any CPU …
Java Swing JScrollPane not scrolling when shift held down and using mouse wheel
I have a simple Java Swing program defined below: The program consists of a simple JScrollPane with multiple buttons inside of it. Only vertical scrolling is enabled. It works fine. However, the problem is, when I am holding down the ‘shift’ key, vertical scrolling does not work when I am using the mouse wheel to scroll. Vertical scrolling only works
URLUtil.isHttpsUrl() wrong return value in Simple Unittest? (returnDefaultValues=true)
Maybe this is the most ridiculous question ever, or I just can’t think straight anymore – but I have experienced a very strange behaviour when using the URLUtil.isHttpsUrl() from android.webkit. I was writing some Unittests for my project and detected that a method returned an unexpected value, because the URL was not considered valid. Trying to narrow things down, I
How to setup multiple connection pools when multiple datasources are used in Spring Boot?
I have a Spring Boot application that connects to two separate databases. All works fine (I followed the steps in the docs and a tutorial), although in order to customize the Tomcat JDBC connection pool settings, I had to manually configure it (because by defining multiple data sources, the Boot auto-configuration is ignored, and Spring Boot does not read the
Java Selenium get JSON response body
I using Java with Selenium webdriver and I wondering is it possible to get JSON body response? I asking because it is possible to get JSON request body using this code: but I can’t get body from response but response exist also in this log. Is any way to get response body? Answer Edit-2 Because of a open issue with
All Spring-Boot Application always show a popup login
I’m using Spring and Spring Boot framework with Spring Security for a simple login projects with simple UI. In all my projects, using STS, after starting my application and run the localhost address without errors, i receive a popup login window and not my html page. If i use user and default security password i always get a Whitelabel Error