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above is my XML. I’ve to validate the same. I’m using DBUnit to compare the same XML with other XML (other XML has the same content but generated from different source). While creating dataset I’m getting “org.dbunit.database.AmbiguousTableNameException”. I’ve SQL query for every XML tag. E.g. For employee tag I’m querying on empID. for facilities I’m querying on mealCard etc etc.

How to remove controller list from Swagger UI

I’m using springfox-swagger-ui 2.8.0 which ships with Swagger UI 3.7.0. I want to get rid of the controller list in front of the api documentation page, pretty useless for me (every tab is empty). I’ve already tried to annotate the controller class with @ApiIgnore, but of course this removes the rest api documentation as well, which I need. Basically, I

java.util.Map values() method performance

I have a map like this with several million entries: I need to get list of values, which could be done by calling java.util.Map values() method. Is Collection of values created every time I call values() method or is it pre-computed from performance perspective? As my Map has several millions elements, I do not want to create new list object

KafkaStreams is not running. State is ERROR

I have a Kafka consumer class that listens to events and perform join between events (Order, Customer) and store them in a materialized view. I created another class to access state store when REST call received. But I am getting java.lang.IllegalStateException: KafkaStreams is not running. State is ERROR. I tried to assign application.server property, it didn’t work. Class EventsListener joins

Spring unit test issue with Validator

I am trying to write unit test for a validator class that I have. So within my UniqueEmailValidator class, I injected a @Service component to check if it exist. And I tried to write unit test for this constraint validator. How do I initialize the AccountService within the Validator class? It seem like it wasn’t injected, hence, the null exception.

Instance created inside of a Method

I have not been able to find any reliable literature on this but i’m curious as to where an object is stored if its created inside of a method ? on the stack or on the heap in java 8? I know that normally only local primitives, reference variables and function calls are stored on the stack and that objects
