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Can a maven plugin configuration be aggregated from parent to child project

I have 3 maven projects, the parent, the middle, and the child project: Then I have 2 annotation processor dependencies. The parent project defines maven-compiler-plugin as a managed plugin and configures annotation processor 1 on the annotationProcessorPath. The middle project does likewise and configures annotation processor 2 on the annotationProcessorPath. The compile of child project then fails because its missing

Sorting 3 Numbers from Least to Greatest

As part of a problem set I have to sort 3 numbers in ascending order. A simple enough task, but for some reason I’m not getting the expected result. Using arrays is not allowed. Below is my code; I’ve linked to my flowchart here. I cannot get the program to sort 3 numbers such as 5, 5, and -4. When

How do I use the character’s equals() method in Java?

As the String is an object, you need to use the string.equals(string) method to confirm that the two strings are equal. However, why do you use the == to check if two chars are equal, char1 == char2, rather than char1.equals(char2)? Answer Perhaps, this will help to understand the difference on == vs equals.

Using GraalVM to run Java in AWS Lambda

Is there any ability to use GraalVM to run Java in AWS Lambda functions? I read a lot articles about cold starts of Java applications with GraalVM AOT (ahead-of-time) compilation feature and decreasing duration of that and I’d like to try to use it in my AWS Lambda projects. Answer With the introduction of Custom AWS Lambda Runtimes at re:Invent

org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Timed out waiting for driver server to start. Build info: version: ‘unknown’, revision: ‘unknown’

While everything works on my machine, when I bring the project in which I’m working on my server, Selenium and Chromedriver won’t boot, causing the following exception Everything works like this: the user, for launching the crawler, is supposed to click a button. Then, with JavaScript, I make an Ajax call to a specific method of a specific class that

Void is not a functional interface

I am trying to subscribe observable like : It’s working fine but if I use method reference compiler gives error “void is not a functional iterface” Any one can explain little bit deep? As per me subscriber accept consumer functional interface, which doesn’t return anything but we can print stream data like : Answer Your method reference syntax is wrong.

Error “227 Entering Passive Mode”/”Connection refused” when downloading from local FTP server in Android emulator

I am trying to download a file from my local FileZilla Server with Java FTPSClient running in Android emulator. I’ve written this helpercode to download one File: I call this function like this: But I keep getting this error: I already tried to use enterLocalActivemode() instead of enterLocalPassivmode() but it didn’t help. The FTP server is TLS enforcing and running
