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Invalid flag -parameters in java 1.7

I have the task to create the spring-boot application using Java 7. So, as usual, I created a template on resource and open him via File -> New -> Project from Existing Sources… When I run with jdk-8, everything works fine, but when I change JDK to version 1.7 (also I change java-version in pom.xml) I get a compilation

Javac – plugin not found

I am trying to make my own Javac plugin but things aren’t going so well already 🙁 I am following this tutorial: and when I want to test the first …

H2 – Oracle – liquibase – org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table “all_sequences” not found;

I try to add H2 for testing purpose into Spring Boot application-test.yml, my production Db is Oracle. I want to populate H2 schema by liquibase, but I receive following error: Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table “all_sequences” not found; SQL statement: My config is following: How to adjust config aboive, I spent few hours, but can not figure out how to make
