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How to implement hiding the toolbar when scrolling WebView?

I have an Activity with WebView and my own AppBarLayout. I want to implement hiding/showing the AppBarLayout with animation when scrolling the WebView, like in the Google Chrome app. I tried different ways. ObservableWebView, but it doesn’t work correctly, it doesn’t always show AppBar, especially if the page is short. ConstraintLayout with animations. Something similar, but still not the same

Checkmarx Java fix for Log Forging -sanitizing user input

Can anyone suggest the proper sanitization/validation process required for the courseType variable in the following getCourses method. I am using that variable to write in a log file. I’ve tried HtmlUtils.HtmlEscape() but didn’t get expected results. Thanks! Answer it seems like the Checkmarx tool is correct in this case. A “Log Forging” vulnerability means that an attacker could engineer logs

Where does Spring Boot store its default logging settings

I’m creating a Java Spring Boot 2.X application. In my configuration (application.yml), I have added the following property: This seems to work out of the box. However, I’m curious where the underlying default log configurations reside. Using google I found out that Spring Boot uses logback, but I cannot see a logback-spring.xml file. Also this other question seems to mention

Flyway can’t find classpath:db/migrations

I just started right now a new project in Intellij using Spring Boot ver 2.1.3 and Flyway 5.2.4 with Java 11. After try to start my project i got : I have the following folders: As you can see i have “db/migration” but without any migration, i just started right now. Debugging the class FlywayAutoConfiguration i got the following: So,

Problem running tests with enabled preview features in surefire and failsafe

I’m trying to migrate a project to Java 12, with –enable-preview. I added –enable-preview in compiler settings: And also added it in argLine for surefire and failsafe: And do a mvn clean verify results in: I also tried adding argLine directly to surefire/failsafe configuration, but the result is same. What am I missing here? I this a bug in surefire/failsafe?

How to start activity from another module

I have two modules. App and module Test. Module app contains MainActivity with button. Module Test contains MainActivity two. I want to run Test/MainActivity from module app by click on button. But Android still cannot see MainActivity from module Test. See below. Module app Manifest: Module Test manifest: Code in Module app MainActivity for click button and run second Activity:
