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Design pattern for logging entry and exit of methods?

I have an overall design and architecture question. After looking at design patterns (decorators, chain of commands, and so on) it is still unclear to me. Requirement: I would like to have logging for both entry and exit of my methods. As of now, all my methods looks like: (Below the logging, I am also using some KPI library to

How do I get a Hibernate Interceptor to pick up certain superclass fields?

I have some entities. For example They extend the Auditable class And I have an interceptor I can create entities and the audit trail looks good AUDIT_ID 120385 AUDIT_ACTION Saved AUDIT_DETAIL SecurityUserPublisher@678541a[contactId=8721,publisherId=360] AUDIT_CREATEDTS 2019-04-04 13:52:57 AUDIT_ENTITYPK contactId: 8721 publisherId: 360 AUDIT_ENTITYNAME SecurityUserPublisher AUDIT_CONTACTID 7341 But when I try to delete the audit trail contact id is null, even though I

Can I replace values on a single variable in Java

I have program that the user picks their products in the product menu in which after they inputted the item ID and the quantity, the program will ask if they want to buy another, if YES then the transaction repeats again and asking the same question. My central question is can I replace the value in the single variable? The

Chaquopy in Android Studio module not found

I have implemented Chaquopy into my Android app to make use of pre-trained Neural Network models in python. Trying to call the python code, I am encountering; “com.chaquo.python.PyException: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘DataLoader’ I am unsure if I have wrongly implemented the file structure for Chaquopy or if there is another reason it cannot import the DataLoader module. is

How to apply the PathPatternParser introduced in Spring 5?

I want to create a GET request that takes a filepath as a path variable. As described in the Spring documentation found here, this should be possible by using the following: /resources/{*path}. I am using Spring Boot 2.1.2 which uses Spring 5. However when I set up my controller method like this, the request doesn’t match the route. An expected

Connect Spring MVC with aws documentDB

I’m using mongoDB with aws ec2 instance it’s working fine and I’ve moved mongoDB to aws documentDB, So i’m not able to connect documentDB with same code, So any one can u please help me if you have idea. Here is my connection code in Spring MVC: Spring, Hibernet and mongoDB version: spring -4.2.5 spring-data-MongoDB -1.10.14 mongo-java-driver -3.5.0 Answer To
