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How to specify JVM to gradle when using AWS lambda

I’m using AWS Lambda with Java and I’m running into this issue. Can someone help? “gradlew is using a JVM with major version 14 which is newer than 11 that is supported by AWS Lambda. The compiled function code may not run in AWS Lambda unless the project has been configured to be compatible with Java 11 using ‘targetCompatibility’ in

Can JVM bytecode running on the GraalVM be instrumented by a custom `TruffleInstrument`?

I would like to write a Truffle instrument which can instrument Java programs (or at least JVM bytecode programs) when they are run on GraalVM. I have been investigating different ways to perform fine-grained instrumentation of Java programs to support a runtime verification project. To me, manipulating Truffle AST nodes sounds much more attractive than the more traditional Java instrumentation

use getter to pass value failed in java

I am a beginner there are two classes that I want to use getter to pass the value of the field from another class. Therefore, I did something like this How do getters and setters work? But it didn’t …

Java Calendar not giving end of hour

Based on Epoch seconds, I convert it to the start of hour and end of hour. long epochSeconds = 1589374800L; Instant instant = Instant.ofEpochSecond(epochSeconds); Calendar now = Calendar….
