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Conversion Error on LocalDate attribute when form-data request is sent to a Spring boot application

I send a form-data request from the Postman to a spring application. The LocalDate field in the Spring application as a text field from the form-data. I got a Conversion Error. Field error in object ‘vehicleDto’ on field ‘leasingExpiry’: rejected value [2021-01-01]; codes [typeMismatch.vehicleDto.leasingExpiry,typeMismatch.leasingExpiry,,typeMismatch]; arguments [ codes [vehicleDto.leasingExpiry,leasingExpiry]; arguments []; default message [leasingExpiry]]; default message [Failed to convert property value

How to tell if a reaction is removed by a discord bot using JDA?

I have a MessageReactionRemoveEvent in my code and it triggered whenever a reaction is removed. However, I also have my bot executing some automatic reaction removal (removing the user’s reaction). I want to prevent MessageReactionRemoveEvent triggered when the reaction is removed by a bot. My code for preventing MessageReactionRemoveEvent triggered by a bot: But the getUser() method in MessageReactionRemoveEvent always

JVM code cache exceeds ReservedCodeCacheSize

I have a java app running in a docker with flags on OpenJDK8: and I’ve noticed that Code Cache memory allocation reported by Native Memory Tracking tool exceeds 240MB (default ReservedCodeCacheSize value): which is ~ 254MB reserved memory. Here’s printed flag and java version: My question is if this is expected behavior? If yes, then is it possible to calculate

No Mapping for GET /WEB-INF/jsp/login.jsp

Please find this project on GITHUB as studentsbooks I am getting errror as below, even after following a proper tutorial. Kindly guide where i am going wrong. Feel free to clone the project. Committed Just now. Answer I created a class InsertInitialData class annotated as @Component and used WebApplicationContext with autowired annotation. Thymeleaf uses context to get initialized please find

Junit Force to throw Exception on method call

I am trying to throw the exception whenever simpleJdbcCall.execute(namedParameters) called but I see it is not throwing the error, is there something i am missing here ? Here is my class here is my Junit Class Answer When writing spring-boot integration test you should inject the mock beans using @MockBean annotation You can a follow some of the examples here
