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Map and groupBy values in a stream

I have a wrapper that may or may not contain data: I group one user to multiple contacts: It groups val mailsByUser: Map<String, List<EmailAdapter>> I want to group all emails to a unique user I want to unwrap the EmailAdapter so that the relation is EmailAdapter.user -> List<EmailAdapter.mail> or val mailsByUser: Map<String, List<Email>> I fail in the last step –

Java cucumber Selenium : NullPointerException for scenario.write for the first scenario on before tag

I am getting the NullPointerException when the code below code is executed. Note that the exception is recieved only for the first cucumber scenario executed. There is no exception for the second scenario. I am actually trying to insert the timestamp before start of each scenario. Please advise how this issue can be fixed. Any help will be appreciated. I

How to create a non-executable JAR file that includes all Maven dependencies

I have a Java project that doesn’t have a main file but it has a lot of Maven dependencies. How I can create a JAR-file that contains my source-code and required maven dependencies? My pom.xml: Answer You can use the maven-assembly-plugin just as you could use it for creating an executable JAR with dependencies. The only thing you need to

How to make multiple buttons work individually in Swing?

I am trying to develop an application and I have decided to learn Swing to create the GUI. I have never learnt this before, it seems quite simple but I haven’t gotten my head around ActionListener. I am trying to make the buttons respond by producing some debug text in the console. Could someone take a look and point out

Create different request objects dynamically

Is it possible to create different objects dynamically from a superset object. For example: SuperSet Object: class Z { // some attributes } class A { String a, m, f, c; int x,y,z; Z …
