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Who should be parent in spring JPA relationship

I have 3 tables book, publisher, author. Here author and publisher can refer to same record in book therefore I decided to make book as relationship parent. However I also want to make it so that if a publisherA is deleted, all the book record related to publisherA also get deleted. same goes for author. I tried using cascade, but

How to access private method?

My is as follows: public class SharedPref { private static final String PREF_NAME = “Wallet”; private static SharedPref instance; private SharedPreferences …

Create a DateTimeFormater with an Optional Section at Beginning

I have timecodes with this structure hh:mm:ss.SSS for which i have a own Class, implementing the Temporal Interface. It has the custom Field TimecodeHour Field allowing values greater than 23 for hour. I want to parse with DateTimeFormatter. The hour value is optional (can be omitted, and hours can be greater than 24); as RegEx (d*dd:)?dd:dd.ddd For the purpose of

How to obtain all IloNumVar from IloModeler or IloCplex

we have a client who gives us a IloModeler and we use that to solve the optimization problem doing this: and, at the end we would like to return to the client a map with all IloNumVar and their value: Map<IloNumVar, Double>. But the issue is: How can we obtain from the original IloModeler the list of all IloNumVar in

Could not find @BeforeEach setup() method on @Nested test class in @QuarkusTest

summary On Junit Jupiter the Quarkus test extension seems to not find @BeforeEach setup methods for nested test classes and produces an error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find method void com.stackoverflow.examples.nestedtestwithquarkus.NestedTestWithQuarkus.setup() on test class Is that a bug, a feature or am I missing something important? edit 1: It seems like there’s an issue with nested tests in general. Some tests

Db insertion row if not exist spring boot

I have a two instances of one spring boot microservice. If two requests are sent at the same time, and the second request can update the row that was created by the first request. How i can prevent this? For example the table contains this columns :id,format,username,groupName and if a row exists (3,”test”,”test”,”test”) and if we try to insert another
