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calculate the percentage increase or decrease in a list of values in java

i’m trying to build an data structures and algorithms program using java. and i wanna ask if anyone know How do i calculate the percentage increase or decrease in a array. i try this code–but apparently its not the correct way Run-> Percentage change is = Infinity % Answer Here you’re dealing with the numbers, which could go in the

How to mock a method call in a constructor?

I have class class1, which has 2 member variables: I want to test the method fun, so I will have to write a test-class and a test method for that. But, how do I mock the method call config.getEnablingStatus(), while creating an object of type classA in the test class? I am thinking of doing something like this [see the

Execute sql native query from two entity using jpa or hibernate

I have 2 tables, salesOrder with column “id”, “customerId”, “textReview(boolean)” and table SalesOrderline with column “salesOrderId”, “productId”. i want to change boolean data in textReview column. I got data from the client in the form is customerId and productId. Native Query SQL that I made like this. update sales order set text_review = true where (select id from salesorder where

How to define a bean from a dependency class as @Primary in Spring?

I have a Kafka Consumer and I’m implementing it using the Spring Cloud Stream Source.class binding and InboundChannelAdapter. This Source.class defines 3 MessageChannel beans: output, nullChannel, and errorChannel. My code looks like this: I want to autowire in the output channel so that I can use it to start and stop my InboundChannelAdapter manually, but I’m getting this error when

Any comparasion condition returns bad value

I struggle with very strange behaviour while trying to compare two ints but first things first. Here is my method inside the class: public class CollectionsTutorial { private Collection<String&…

Java Socket Read Input Twice

I have a situation with a Java Socket Input reader. I am trying to develop an URCAP for Universal Robots and for this I need to use JAVA. The situation is as follow: I connect to the Dashboard server through a socket on IP, and port 29999. After that the server send me a message “Connected: Universal Robots Dashboard

Print a string from ArrayList of String[] per Index?

How to print ArrayList of String[] into String per index with expected Output like this Here is the code and how to print it? Answer You were pretty close to it: This generates your String to be outputted. Printing: Just don’t forget to initialize yourArrayList prior of the method call.

Why can’t I add a type parameter to an overriding method?

I need to implement a method from a class Foo, in my subclass Bar: As you can see, my method would benefit from a type parameter: (I could also use raw types because I know it’ll work, but everything I’ve read says you really shouldn’t do that) Unfortunately, this is illegal – my method foo in Bar “clashes with foo()
