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Beam PAssert messes up the Row

I am exploring testing with Beam and encountered a weird problem. My driver program works as expected, but its test is failing with an error like this: And here is my PAssert code: On the last step of my pipeline, I log the element in question. This is the expected result. When I debugged the test, the problem boiled down

How to add subnode to json file using json-simple

I create json file with the folloing code: OUTPUT: How can I add content of java map to the this json output as a new node sothat I have at the end the following output: Answer You just need to add another object of type JsonObject and it will do that And that will return the output what you want

Accessing elements inside a GraphicsContext in JavaFX canvas

I’m implementing a simple hockey game following an MVC pattern. I’m having trouble refreshing the player’s position, which I have created inside a canvas using the GraphicsContext.drawImage() method. I’m inside an AnimationTimer anonymous class, inside the handle method. The positions and boundaries are all reflected to the backend,so I don’t really need to do any particular logic here, I just

How to handle blob store url when receive from API

I have an API URL (e.g.: localhost:8080/api/blobs/download/{item-id}). The API itself will return the URL of that item in the Blob Store (for example, Now I have a task that requires user to copy and paste the API URL into the browser, and expect it to view/download the item. The question is how Java can support user browse the Blob

Best way to access variables from another class?

I need to access variables from another class and I have done it using 2 different approaches described below. My question is which of the two is preferable and why since both work quite nicely -or is there another better way to do it?. I have also done it using internal classes but this is inconvenient when the number of

Error while trying to upload file conversion types mismatch

I have folowing entety. One of the fields called file is to upload the document. And the controller function for this is as follows: But then I try to upload file and submit a form I am getting this exception Failed to convert property value of type ‘$StandardMultipartFile’ to required type ‘java.lang.String’ for property ‘file’; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot

Java does not catch exception

I am trying to implement lambda expression for constructor. My constructor can throw an IllegalArgumentException. I tried different ways. First way is just calling lambda expression: It works perfectly fine, I can catch Exception and then parse it. The problem occurs when I try to use my own interface: and then I use it as: But the last line of

Cold streams and publishers, is the Garbage Collector fully aware of its true death?

When instanceSubscriptorManager is unable to receive any more boolean values, the last thing to be performed will be a false as isActive, removing localConsumer from publisher. How is localConsumer “aware” that instanceSubscriptorManager will be unable to receive an isActive -> true (again) sometime in the future, especially since the class is self-referencing itself? In short, this class is hold by

ClassCastException on raw functional interface lambda invocation

Consider this example: The last line will give java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang. Object cannot be cast to class java.lang.String. This is not a surprise for me, as Function is declared to accept String. I know that raw types can give ClassCastException, but all examples I saw are about ClassCastException on unchecked call return object not about method arguments: I can find
