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Does GlassFish servlet container use that catalina?

I am running the same servlet application in both Apache Tomcat and GlassFish servers. I wanted to see the ServletConfig and ServletContext implementation class names. Surprisingly, I found that GlassFish is also using from Apache Tomcat’s catalina classes. Is my observation correct? If yes, why isn’t GlassFish using its own servlet implementation classes? [ Answer According to this FAQ entry

What is the right printf syntax when formatting a double? [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I’m stuck at the printf statement. Can anyone tell, what’s the right syntax

How do I add two string elements in vector?

I am new to Java and learning through a task. I have tried to create a program but when I input my name it is raising a InputMismatchException exception. Here is my code: Answer Your problem is not with vector, it is with scanner methods; you can read this answer, it will give you a good idea about how

SetText in fragment from outside class

I have a fragment that displays data from APIs, but i dont want to be calling apis everytime the fragment is called.. so am making api call from a different class and and calling a method in the fragment to update UI (textViews) but am getting null exception for the textViews but data is 100% there and if i try

vscode – Could not fetch model of type ‘GradleProject’ using Gradle distribution ‘’

I was trying to build a gradle project but it returned with an error: I’m using vscode for this I saw some questions similar to this but they were about android studio, and I couldn’t find anything else about it. Thanks for any help. Answer the issue has been resolved on github:, apparently it’s because of onedrive

Set elements of a java array from another class or file

I’m making a game right now and I’m trying to setup a CreatePlayer method. In the main class, I take the Player class as an object to get its variables, methods ect. The 3rd parameter of Player is the Position, which is an array. The problem I’m having is that I’m not sure how to set each element of the
