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Jackson serializing: Get list of processed objects

For a special case, I need to know which “source objects” of the object tree Jackson processed during serialization. I think there is some internal list, because Jackson might reuse already serialized objects if they are referenced multiple times in the object tree. Can I get this list? Or is it possible to build my own list by an event

Spring data JPA: Three entities ManyToMany relations, query duplicate result with findById JDK:17 SpringBoot:2.7.4 findById and findBy are also generate different structure SQL. findById uses left outer Join. findByName uses subquery. the user only have one role, the role have three permissions. if use findByUsername It will return the user info correctly. If I use findById, the same role repeat three times。 } code : Answer While fetching

Jsoup HtmlToPlainText function adding extra new line

If the text is already plain text and passed to the function new HtmlToPlainText().getPlainText() then the new line character is getting added to the result text. It looks like Jsoup is doing some formatting and adding a line break. I tried outputSettings.prettyPrint(false); but it is not helping. Input text can be HTML or plain text. I want the text to

IntelliJ: Unresolved reference, but gradle build still succeeds

I have a Java library which I want to use in a Kotlin project. This is the build.gradle where I have the library as dependency: I also made sure I have a file named in my project where I set gpr.user and gpr.key correctly. The authentication works and the library is downloaded and indexed. IntelliJ also shows the

@Column settings in case of externally managed database schema

When externally managing the database schema (e.g. with Liquibase), in addition to specifying the Liquibase changesets, you have to help Hibernate understand your data structure using JPA annotations. While some annotations concern higher level abstractions of the underlying data like @Embedded or @OneToMany, other lower level annotations, such as @Column(length = 255, nullable = false), seem only to represent what
