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if else statement not working jsp

Is there anything wrong with my code? My if else statement is not working. Answer You need to use the .equals method to test for string equality. Try this instead:

Initiate download from certain byte

I would like to implement a distributed download manager on android that initiates downloads at certain byte lengths. So this way portions of files can be downloaded instead of only from the beginning to the end of the http request. Nothing innovative about it, I just don’t know how to do it. (It’s not bitorrent either) In java http apache

Java two varargs in one method

Is there any way in Java to create a method, which is expecting two different varargs? I know, with the same object kind it isn’t possible because the compiler doesn’t know where to start or to end. But why it also isn’t possible with two different Object types? For example: Is there any way to create a method like this?

Load a file from src folder into a reader

I would like to know how can I load a file lol.txt from src folder into my close method. The code so far: Console error output on initiation: Answer If you like to load the file from inside a jar file (i.e. from classpath) please see this answer for more options on how to get an InputStream. In the code

About VM arguments

Am I right in thinking that when one specifies VM arguments in an IDE (I’m using NetBeans in this instance), that these arguments are only passed when the code is run through the IDE itself? Essentially, I’d like to specify that when my program runs, the VM’s minimum/initial heap size is 2Gb. I can do this using the -Xms2048m command,

Actual use of lockInterruptibly for a ReentrantLock

What do you actually use for this method lockInterruptibly? I have read the API however it’s not very clear to me. Could anybody express it in other words? Answer The logic is the same as for all interruptible blocking methods: it allows the thread to immediately react to the interrupt signal sent to it from another thread. How this particular

Splitting a multipage TIFF image into individual images (Java)

Been tearing my hair on this one. How do I split a multipage / multilayer TIFF image into several individual images? Demo image available here. (Would prefer a pure Java (i.e. non-native) solution. Doesn’t matter if the solution relies on commercial libraries.) Answer You can use the Java Advanced Imaging library, JAI, to split a mutlipage TIFF, by using an

Java: how to have an array of subclass types?

Say I have a super class “Animal” and subclasses “Cat”, Dog, Bird”. Is there a way to have an array of subclass type rather than class instances with which I’ll be able to instantiate instances of each possible subclass? To simplify, I want this: How can I do that? Edit: I don’t want an array of instances of these subclasses,
